Thursday, October 30, 2008

Working/Writing Chats

I found this great info in my email box today:

Realms of Love is having a block party launch! Saturday and Sunday for every weekend during NaNo at 8am, 3pm, and 7pm Eastern there will be a speedwriting, morale lifting, get that wip done or else party! We'll be posting word counts, chatting up writing, and having an all around good time. Who' s invited? You are! Just drop by the Realms of Love, log in, Click on Chat (Under "Explore the Realms") and play!

So all you writers who really want to make that novel happen... Come on by Realms of Love Saturday and Sunday November 1 & 2 and get that extra bit of support that just might help you make that dream a reality this year.

For more details about NaNoWriMo visit their site at I just got a "site overloaded" error when I tried to connect. Please be patient.

Upcoming Chats

We've got Laura Baumbach chatting in the Realms of Love Chat Castle, Monday, November 3. A couple other ManLove writers are "on the fence." Be sure to give your favorite author a push in the right direction.

Lizzie T Leaf and Raine Delight chat with you Monday November 10.

Hope to see you at any of the chats I can make :)


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