Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Since I rarely used the old blog, I decided to create a new one. Here's hoping that I use this one :)

My name is Michelle Hasker and I am a paranormal romance author. Currently I am epublished with erotic stories. I have an amnesiac vampire published by Loose Id and have sold three short stories to Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. One will be in their Christmas Anthology, and the other two will both be Celtic Love Knots, with Morgan's Magick in the debut edition, and Sheila's Surrender to follow later.

My website is and that has more information on my books as well as some free reads and a few author interviews in my monthly newsletter. I also have a yahoo group that I email that newsletter to.

I am married with four children and numerous animals that keep me very busy. Between the kids and the writing I have almost no time to clean :) trust me, I don't mind.

Enough of me, I'm off to procastinate by checking my emails and probably will add links to this blog.


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